Portrait - Members
Become a member
You are one of the 250 most promising companies in Switzerland and will be able to exchange experiences with each other. Members can exert influence on planned state regulations and guidelines early on and in an uncomplicated manner.
How can you become a member?
Simply send us a membership application (attn.: Claudio Valentino) with the following information:
- A short brief description of the area of activity of your company
- The number of employees in Switzerland
- Enclosures:
- A recent excerpt from the trade registry (a copy is sufficient)
- Answer sheet for the Membernet Coordinator in your company
- Answer sheet for the Responsible Care Coordinator
- Signed Responsible Care Program obligation form and, for pharmaceutical companies, the declaration of the Pharma Code of Conduct and the declaration of the Pharma Cooperation Code.
Mr. Claudio Valentino
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich
Phone. +41 44 368 17 32
E-Mail: claudio.valentino@scienceindustries.ch
What does a membership with scienceindustries have to offer you?
- You are one of the 250 most promising companies in Switzerland and will be able to exchange experiences with each other. Members can exert influence on planned state regulations and guidelines early on and in an uncomplicated manner.
- You will receive exclusive access to our Membernet, a web-based knowledge platform updated on a daily basis and covering all political projects relevant to science-based companies. You can tailor the information you receive to your own personal needs.
- Take advantages of the well established voice of scienceindustries in Swiss economic policy when dealing with the authorities, politicians and the public.
- You can participate in one or more specialized working groups. Please contact us for more information.
- Take advantage of the administratively simple and inexpensive global insurance policies of the Schweizerische Exportrisikoversicherung (Swiss Export Risk Insurance, SERV).
- You will benefit from the inexpensive administrative costs contribution rate of our AHV scienceindustries compensation fund and from the advantageous premium rate of the family scienceindustries compensation fund. You can join this fund voluntarily at any time; a transfer to the scienceindustries compensation fund does, however, become mandatory if your company is currently working with a cantonal fund.
- You will be informed of the numerous product-specific regulations for the international trafficking of goods.
- You will have access to specialist technical information and support in the area of transporting dangerous goods and hazardous materials.
What obligations will you have to assume?
All member companies commit themselves to comply with the following voluntary agreement:
- Responsible Care Program consisting of principles for safety, health and environmental protection.
scienceindustries recommends companies active within the human pharmaceutical industry to commit themselves also to comply with the following voluntary agreements:
- Pharma Code - Code of Conduct of the pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland (valid for all medicinal products).
- Pharma Cooperation Code - Code of Conduct of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Switzerland on cooperation with Healthcare Professional Circles and Patient Organisations (valid for prescription medicines).
scienceindustries recommends companies active within the veterinarian pharmaceutical industry to commit themselves also to comply with the Code of Conduct of the veterinary pharmaceutical industry in Switzerland (Vet Pharma Code).
Membership fees
Membership fees according to Art. 5 of the bylaws
- Basic contribution: CHF 1'000.--
- Fee for each employee in Switzerland: CHF 20.--
- Contribution calculated on the basis of the wage bill (AHV): approx. 0.5‰
The exact amount is based on the financial requirements of scienceindustries and will be calculated anew every year - Minimum contribution: CHF 2'500.--
We would be happy to meet with you. You can also contact Claudio Valentino by telephone or by email.
Mr. Claudio Valentino
P.O. Box
8021 Zurich
Phone. +41 44 368 17 32
E-Mail: claudio.valentino@scienceindustries.ch

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