Nordstrasse 15
8021 Zurich
Tel. + 41 44 368 17 11
How to find us
Reaching us by > train and > tram: Train to the Main Railway Station Zurich.
Walk from there according to the map or
From "Bahnhofquai" tramstop: tram no. 11 (direction Auzelg) or tram no. 14 (direction Seebach). Get off at Beckenhof tramstop.
Reaching us by car (> Google Maps)
From the Berne-Basel motorway: Via Escher-Wyss-Platz passing the Wipkingerbrücke, then turning right into Hönggerstrasse. Follow the road straigt ahead (Wasserwerkstrasse) and turn left into the Stampfenbachstrasse at the end. Some parking lots are available in front of our scienceindustries building, alternatively use Parking Stampfenbach (300m).
From the Airport (Flughafen)-St. Gall-Winterthur motorway: At the end of the Milchbuck Tunnel, take left lane to "City", then at the second traffic light turn left into Stampfenbachstrasse. Turn left again into Nordstrasse just before "Beckenhof" tramstop. Some parking lots are available in front of our scienceindustries building, alternatively use Parking Stampfenbach (300m).

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