Portrait - Organisation
Partner Associations of scienceindustries
scienceindustries works closely with partner associations which cover certain specialised areas of activity and whose members also include members of scienceindustries.
Likewise scienceindustries maintains close cooperation with the chemical and pharmaceutical associations in other countries as well as with international sector organisations. It is an active member especially in the following European or global sector organisations:
Swiss Associations
aprentas | Joint training for basic and further training of scientific, technical and commercial professions |
ASSGP | Association of the Swiss Self-Medication Industry |
economiesuisse | Swiss Business Federation |
ECO SWISS | Swiss Business Organisation for Environment, Health and Safety |
fial | Federation of Swiss Food Industries |
GeFaSuisse | Training of Dangerous Goods Safety Advisors |
IG Health | Association for the digital transformation in the healthcare sector |
Intergenerika | Association of generic manufacturers in Switzerland |
Interpharma | Association of Research-based pharmaceutical companies in Switzerland |
Jugend und Wirtschaft | Economic and opinion-forming programmes for students |
Ecotox Centre | Swiss competence centre for applied, practice-oriented ecotoxicology |
Schweizer Jugend forscht | Swiss Youth Science Foundation |
SCS | Swiss Chemical Society |
SKW | Swiss Cosmetic and Detergent Association |
Swiss Biotech Association | National Biotech Association |
Swiss Holdings | Federation of Swiss based multinational enterprises |
Swiss Plastics | Association of th ePlastics Industry |
vips | Association of Pharmaceutical Companies in Switzerland |
VSLF | Association of Swiss lacquer and paint industry |
European Associations
Animalhealth Europe IFAH | European Animal Health Association |
CEFIC | European Chemical Industry Council |
CropLife Europe | European Association of the Plant Science Industry |
EFPIA | European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations |
Europabio | European Association for Bioindustries |
FECC | European Association of Chemical Distributors |
International Associations
CropLife International | International Association of the Plant Science Industry |
ICCA | International Council of Chemical Associations |
IFPMA | International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manfacturers & Associations |
HealthforAnimals | Global Animal Health Association |

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