Portrait - Initiatives
The Responsible Care Programme: our commitment to sustainability
Responsible Care is the global chemical-pharmaceutical industry's unifying commitment to the safe management of chemicals throughout their life cycle, while promoting their role in improving quality of life and contributing to sustainable development.
The Responsible Care initiative was launched in 1985 by the former Canadian Chemical Producers Association (CCPA) and is implemented in more than 60 countries worldwide. In Switzerland, scienceindustries is responsible for the compliance with the Responsible Care principles.
The scienceindustries principles are intended to elucidate the overall basic statements associated with Responsible Care. By signing the document, the member companies of scienceindustries commit themselves to the following principles.
- A Corporate Leadership Culture that proactively supports safe chemicals management through the global Responsible Care initiative.
We commit ourselves to protect humans and the environment with regards to our products, processes and facilities. We promote the Responsible Care programme by exchanging experiences within scienceindustries.
- Safeguarding People and the Environment by continuously improving our environmental, health and safety performance; the security of our facilities, processes and technologies; and by driving continuous improvement in chemical product safety and stewardship throughout the supply chain.
We develop and operate our facilities in a way which ensures that safety, health and environmental protection continue to improve. We strive to develop and manufacture innovative products which can be produced, transported, used and disposed of more safely and in a more environmentally friendly way.
- Strengthening Chemicals Management Systems by participating in the development and implementation of lifecycle-oriented, sound-science and risk-based chemical safety legislation and best practices
We continue to deepen our knowledge and promote research into the possible effects of our processes, products and waste materials on humans and the environment. We work with the authorities to develop statutory regulations, agreements, emergency plans and other measures to protect employees, society and the environment; this also involves working with other organisations.
- Influencing Business Partners to promote the safe management of chemicals within their own operations
We assist our business partners to safely handle and transport our products and give support on how to use and dispose of them in a safe and environmentally friendly manner. We take our responsibility towards our fellow human beings and the environment seriously as regards technology transfer.
- Engaging Stakeholders, understanding and responding to their concerns and expectations for safer operations and products and communicating openly on our performance and products
We seek to engage in dialogue with society, we respect different opinions, we ensure to communicate adequately and based on scientific evidence regarding our products, processes and facilities, about any effects on humans and the environment as well as any precautionary protective measures.
- Contributing to Sustainability through improved performance, expanded economic opportunities and the development of innovative technologies and other solutions to societal challenges
With our innovative products, processes and facilities, we help find solutions to the challenges we face as a society and contribute in terms of the ecological, social and economic aspects of sustainability.
One of the prerequisites for becoming a member of scienceindustries is the signing of the Responsible Care principles by the management of all member companies. For each member company a Responsible Care coordinator must be designated. The Responsible Care coordinator must have basic knowledge in the areas of safety, health and environmental protection according to the activities of the company (production/trade). He/she regularly communicates with those responsible for RC within the management of his company, is the contact person (internally and externally) for Responsible Care issues and participates in the successful practical implementation of the entire programme within the company.
Ms. Linda Kren
CH-8021 Zurich
Phone: +41 44 368 17 40

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