Services - Pharma Code
International context
Les Pharma Codes s'inscrivent dans un contexte international et suivent essentiellement les directives de la Fédération internationale de l'industrie du médicament (FIIM) et de la Fédération européenne des associations et industries pharmaceutiques (EFPIA).
Ethoscope by IFPMA
Since 1981, the IFPMA Code has provided its members with global standards for ethical conduct and interaction with key stakeholders. Over the years, the Code has been updated and guidelines have been introduced to keep pace with new developments in the ever-changing healthcare sector, such as scientific innovation, new technologies and new business models. Since 2019, IFPMA's ethos has formed the basis for the rules of the IFPMA Code of Practice, which is currently being revised for the last time.
As part of its Ethoscope, IFPMA presents all the pharmaceutical industry's efforts in the context of ethical and business conduct with integrity anew in one place. It contains the expectations of ethical standards and offers guidance on various topics in order to provide clarity and promote continuous alignment to high standards in the pharmaceutical industry.
The Ethoscope thereby aims to support members, patients and other stakeholders in the global healthcare community to collaborate ethically, helping the industry to build and maintain trust and responsibly drive innovation.

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