Innovation & Sustainability
ERI Dispatch 2025-20: strategic priorisation is necessary
The international competitiveness of Swiss companies is largely dependent on their innovative strength. Due to limited growth in expenditure within the scope of the ERI Dispatch, an adequate prioritisation is crucial.
Switzerland has an internationally attractive and competitive education, research and innovation system. The framework conditions and institutions established by the state to support the ERI sector should ultimately promote Switzerland's entrepreneurial innovation capacity and thus strengthen the international competitiveness of the Swiss economy. In the context of defining the ERI Dispatch 2025-28, scienceindustries is in favour of setting strategic priorities.
scienceindustries welcomes the fundamental thrust of the ERI Dispatch. Switzerland must remain internationally competitive as a centre of education, research and innovation. The ERI Dispatch also aims to fulfil this objective. For research-intensive industries with links and strong interdependencies with the academic world, it is important that Switzerland invests in education, research and innovation. The competitive approach to ERI funding is to be welcomed and emphasised, as competitiveness must also exist in research. The use of funds must be guided by the principles of effectiveness and efficiency.
Although the planned nominal annual growth in expenditure of 1.6 per cent is low (compared to an average of 3.4 per cent in the years 2010-2020), it is all the more appropriate to set priorities in view of the current federal finances. A strategic prioritisation is necessary here. The focus on competitive research and innovation funding is welcomed. However, the ETH Domain as Switzerland's international flagship, vocational training and international research cooperation are also of particular importance to the economy.
Well-functioning cooperation between science and industry is essential for Switzerland as a business location. Equally important is the goal of training the skilled labour that the economy needs. In combating the shortage of skilled labour, a particular focus should be placed on the STEM fields and digital skills. scienceindustries will continue to be involved in the parliamentary deliberations on the ERI Dispatch 2025-28. After all, if the parliamentary deliberations result in lower expenditure growth, the available funds must be used in a more targeted manner.

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